Thursday, April 25, 2019

Margun Dale Character Sheet

CHARACTER: Margun Dale                RACE: human       BACKGROUND: Sage
CLASS: Warlock, Feyblade, level 8      ALIGNMENT: True Neutral with good tendencies
XP:               PLAYER: Nick

SPEED: 30      HP: 60      HD: 8D8

STR save +0      SPELL ATTACK BONUS: +6
Athletics +0      LANGUAGES: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Goblin

DEX +2 (14)              COMMON ATTACKS:
DEX save +2              Pactblade Rapier - 2 attacks +7, 1d8+4
Acrobatics +2             Offhand Rapier - 3rd attack +5, 1d8
Sleight of Hand +2     Eldritch Blast - 2 attacks +6, 1d10
Stealth +2                   Hex - +1d6 dmg
Dagger - +5, 1d4+2
CON +2 (15)
CON save +2              FEATURES/FEATS
                                    - Fey Warrior - Lt/med armor, simple/martial weapons, use CHA + for
INT +2 (14)                   attack/dmg w/pact blade. This is the one I made up.
INT save +2                - Improved Pact Weapon (Xanathar's Guide Invocation)
Arcana +5                   - Misty Escape (Fey Warlock) - if damaged, as reaction can teleport 60'/turn
History +5                     turn invisible 1x/day.
Investigation +5         - Mask of Many Faces (Fey Warlock)
Nature +2                   - Thirsting Blade (invocation) - 2 attacks/rd w/pact blade.
Religion +2                - Clairvoyance (augury spell) - only 1 question left, temporary phenomena.
                                    - Warcaster Feat.
WIS -1 (9)
WIS save +2                     SPELLS (2/short rest, always cast at highest possible level)
Animal Handling -1          CANTRIPS            1ST                    2ND
Insight -1                           Eldritch Blast          Hex                  Blur
Medicine -1                       Minor Illusion        Sleep                Phantasmal Force
Perception -1                      Prestidigitation      Charm Person
Survival -1
                                             3RD                            4TH
CHA +3 (16)                        Blink                          Greater Invisibility
(advtg = cloak)                    Counterspell               Dimension Door
CHA save +6
Deception +3
Intimidation +6
Performance +3
Persuasion +3


6694 gold (mine)
200 gold (Party's to be divided later or spent on party needs like housing)

rapier, scale mail, clothes, dagger, pouch, small knife, dungeoneer's pack, leather armor, chainmail armor, halfling sized leather armor, ink, paper, pen, 6 wands (magical focus not the fun kind), 1 scimitar, short sword, backpack, 30 days of rations, 3 disguise kits

Green Dr Strange cloak of charisma check advantage, elven boots, bag of holding, 1d8+8 healing buns (3 left)

1 pyramid coin, 1 manshoon ring, 1 mummified snake, book written in deep speech, gem studded toothpick, manticore quill, stone statue sahuagin head, 14 iron objects (for rust monster gate), 1 diagram of Warren McQueen's teleportation circle, Margun's Will.



I, Margun Dale, am now dead. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this letter. It may be sad or not (I'm looking at Zinthos, here), but you are adventurers and you most likely must be quick about things. Just toss my body in the bag of holding, and loot me later. I'm a good find. I have some thoughts, but you can skip to the good stuff if you are impatient or don't care. 

Well I would like to be fair but I think certain items are suited to certain folks. You are not my favorites, don't let it inflate your head. 

To Albert who is as clunky and clanky as myself in chain mail, I bequeath my elven boots so that you can have a better chance at being stealthy. Don't let Wish and Zinthos make you too mercenary, remember Chauntea. 

To Wish, I leave my snazzy green cloak of charismagic as I sometimes call it. You talk for us often, and this will help you do that. I'm not sure how it works with your orange fur and purple ensemble, maybe you can get someone to magically dye it.

To Aera, I leave the bag of holding. I would trust you most to hold the group's various and sundry items and treasures. I thought about Binti, but camped out here in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage, watching you all sleep, I think perhaps an immediate heir is more appropriate.

Please give things back to anyone I'm holding things for, I'm not sure I've kept good track of that. I think I may have some of Albert's things. Feywild help me, this bag is so large.

Divide the rest of my odds and ends equally as you can amongst the Frothy Friends. Obviously magic items above count as your turns Aera, Albert and Wish. This includes the healing buns, which can be divided as well. I have 3 left as I write this. At the time I am writing this, X and Winter are traveling with us. If you feel them worthy, include them as well.

We have 200 gold in a separate pouch that is essentially party funds I was holding for all. Naturally, divide that evenly or let Aera manage it for food, paying for inns, etc.

My remaining gold I'd like you to divide evenly amongst the Frothy Friends. As before, how you treat X and Winter is up to you. I'd give them something though, they've been helpful.

To be crystal clear so you don't fight. One share for: Aera, Wish, Zinthos, Albert, Binti, The children at Binti's brews (to be managed by Binti). Optional based on majority vote of the core Frothies present at the time: X and Winter.

If any of you kill each other and/or betray the party, naturally, you get nothing, unless you won and so I suppose you get everything. 

Now that I think about it, if you get all petty you can disregard my thoughts and fight over this stuff, but I'd hate for that to be the case. 


Margun Dale.