Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dark Mage Stuff

 The Mage’s Map: 

It looks more hand drawn on parchment, but essentially it is like this. YOu may have to zoom in to see my hand written white letters. 

Also, a letter...

The Mage’s Letter

Dear Auntie Silvetta, 

Long time no see, well, I think I may have fucked up. I have a plan to fix it, but it might not work. If it works you won’t see this letter because I don’t need to send it. If you see it, then... well... yeah, I couldn’t fix things. 

When you read this I’ll probably be a week or two behind it. I need to lie low at your place in Dunsborough before I hit the road. If you’ll let me? If  not I understand. I am “crazy as a bag of cats” as you’ve said more than once. But I make life interesting, don’t I?

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, I’ll only need a couple of days. I have an angle on something that might get me in favor with The Immortal Court over in Dunstoke, maybe even a position at the Red Castle if I play my cards right. But we’ll see. 

If you could make your world famous braised pork I wouldn’t say no. 




Slightly amended/different map focused on the location of  D. The dot is indicating the ballpark correct location. 

Monday, February 1, 2021


Yuria Haraway


Lithia Cane

The Black Knight/Prince Sisk Vonner

The Rogue Woman/ElphinaChyndereth

Saturday, January 30, 2021



Harpory Related NPCs

Barker, Bishop Maeric (Hierophant)

Beales, Solomon

Bromley, Barrie

Bristol, Lady Mayor Angelina

Filenna, Duaggo

Spirit Wolf Snowprowl, 

human and wolf forms

Lord Darcell Ayres

Lady Johanna Fadel